A Quick Look at the Benefits of Ending Your GoHenry Subscription

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Parents always want their children to be sensible, especially in the case of managing finances. GoHenry is one such app that is mainly for 6 to 18 along with their parents. Using the GoHenry app, one can top-up a child’s account and help in keeping track of pocket money.

Children are provided with a Prepaid Visa Card, personalized with a picture. The card can be utilized for purchases online as well as offline and can withdraw money from the ATM. As a parent, you can set a limit and within that, the money can be spent avoiding overdrawn. They can invest using the option Money Missions on the app. This arrives with a subscription and at some point in time you do not wish to continue with the GoHenry subscription. The program does not prove to be as you imagined. You can cancel the subscription account and also cancel the GoHenry card order. But you might still not proceed because you are not aware of how to cancel your GoHenry Membership. This page will guide you to terminate your membership. 

What are the drawbacks of a GoHenry Subscription?

GoHenry is indeed a good app but some drawbacks lead you to cancel the account. You might receive £20 on referring the app to your friend and both receive the 20 bucks to your account. As the app is subscription-based, the flaws here make any customer move to a better service.

  • GoHenry is not a bank and so security is not guaranteed.
  • If a family has more than one child, the fees might be shortcomings because they are overrated.
  • No interest on money stored in the account.
  • The top fee is free only once a month and later 50p. If you provide pocket money each week, this might be an alarming notice of paying more than the income.

How do I cancel My GoHenry Account?

In some situations, your child might have reached the age of earning on their own and now the app is in idle mode. You can surely decide to opt out of the account subscription.

In order to cancel your GoHenry Subscription, follow a few of the points:-

  1. Whether you want to stop or cancel payment or cancel the GoHenry Subscription, contact the customer team.
  2. The membership fee is to be paid per child. If you have more than one child on the account, you do not want all subscriptions to be canceled. So be sure to state clearly what subscriptions to cancel without confusing the  Member Services.
  3. The refund amount will be credited to the account in 7 to 10 working days. In this period if there are any remaining outstanding investments it will be processed.
  4. If you have loaded a Gohenry account using your debit card, the money will be returned to the original after canceling the account. Payments through Bank transfer or using the option Standing Order, funds credit to the bank on canceling goHenry Payment.
  5. Before canceling the GoHenry Account, you can withdraw the amounts from the ATM using a GoHenry card. This usually does not take up much time if you prefer to have the money sooner. 
  6. The company does not want to lose its customers and this is the reason for the ‘cooling-off’ option to regenerate the account. Reach out to GoHenry and request for the same and the period is available for 3 days.
  7. If you want to remain with the canceling decision then once the period passes off no reactivation of the account is available. You need to start from the beginning to create a new account.

Here are the Contact Details of GoHenry Customer Service for canceling a GoHenry Subscription Account or Payment or Card Order.

  • Dial -0330-100-7676 to get in touch with the customer team over the phone.
  • Write the request for canceling the account and drop it to the Email Address help@gohenry.co.uk.
  • You cannot request cancellation over the post but for any further issues write to and send it to –

GoHenry Ltd, Stirley House, Ampress Lane, Ampress Park, Lymington, Hampshire, SO41 8LW.

  • The hours to reach Member Services is from 8 am to 8 pm, available for 7 days a week.
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