Cancel Walgreens Photo Order

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Want to cancel the Photo Walgreens order for some reason or any other? Yes, customers can easily cancel their order on Walgreens as per depending on the time of placing the order.

To learn more on how to cancel a Walgreens Photo order continue to read the guide below.

Can you cancel a Walgreens photo order?

Looking for the convenience of the customers, Walgreens provides different methods on how to cancel photo orders Walgreens. The methods are discussed here.

How to cancel a Walgreens photo order over Phone

  • Dial the Walgreens Photo Customer Service phone number at 1-866-264-2910
  • Talk to the executive regarding the canceled photo order at Walgreens.
  • Provide details that are related to the order.
  • The team will look at the order status and act accordingly to cancel the order.

How do I cancel a Walgreens photo order through an Email

  • Compose an email making a request for Walgreens to cancel a photo order.
  • Send the composed email to
  • Make sure to provide the details of the order in the mail such as the order number, name, and contact number.
  • Ask for a confirmation email regarding the order cancellation for record purposes.

How do you cancel a Walgreens order through the Walgreens Photo Order Page?

At the time of making an order for posters, prints or other related products, below there is a button for cancellation of the order in the order summary screen. Customers can make the desired Walgreens photo cancel order from this page.

# In case the placed order has been already sent for printing to the lab, then the order cannot be canceled.

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