Lipsmedia Cancels Membership

Lipsmedia Cancels Membership

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Lipsmedia is one of the media companies that offers a digital library of books, music, video games, and movies.

The owner of the website is Sense Box Limited. The company was launched in the year 2014. It is a company established in Manchester, UK. Customers who reside in the United Kingdom, the United States, and Canada can use this service.

One just needs to get its membership by paying a low membership fee on a monthly basis to enjoy its features and services. It is advised that before you purchase the membership make sure to read thoroughly the Terms and Conditions of Lipsmedia company.

The Lipsmedia digital entertainment library incorporates new circulated movies, thousands of different contents, music, audiobooks, and books.

Users can use Lipsmedia on any of the smart devices such as iOS devices, Android devices, computers, laptops, and tablets as well.

On each weekly basis, new content is being added, so that the customers get all the updates on every new release.

But sometimes the necessity may arise where one needs to cancel their membership. The interest, as well as the financial dilemma, is usually considered.

So here in this article, we shall state the method through which you can go for Lipsmedia to cancel your subscription.

Requirements to cancel Lipsmedia membership

Here is the list of some of the details and information that one must keep ready, which may require at the time of Lipsmedia cancellation.

  • First name of the member.
  • Last name of the member.
  • Date of Birth.
  • Contact Number.
  • Registered email address.
  • Username of the account.
  • Account Password.
  • Address of Billing.
  • City.
  • Region/ State/ Province.
  • Postal Code/ ZIP Code.
  • Country.
  • The amount that was last charged.
  • The Card’s last 4 digits.
  • Date of the last charge.
  • Reason for cancellation.

How to cancel the Lipsmedia membership account

The method on Lipsmedia cancels membership can be done over the phone by talking to the Live Agent. The steps that one needs to perform are described in detail below:

  1. Dial the Lipsmedia Phone Number:

    In the first step, call the Lipsmedia contact number at 1-888-991-4824.

  2. Talk to the agent about canceling the Lipsmedia membership account:

    Next, talk to the representative that you wish to cancel the Lipsmedia account membership.

  3. Furnish all the details of the account to the representative:

    Now, furnish all the information and details to the rep on your account when asked, so that they can easily identify your account.

  4. Ask for the confirmation mail on the cancellation:

    In the next step, ask the agent about the confirmation number through mail on the successful cancellation of the account.

  5. Retain the proof of cancellation for future reference:

    Lastly, make sure to retain the cancellation proof which may require for reference in near future.


Thus, we hope that this article will help you to cancel your membership on Lipsmedia. But still, if you face any confusion and Lipsmedia can’t cancel your account then it is advisable that you contact the customer service team for any further support and guidance.

How To Cancel Meetville Membership

How To Cancel Meetville Membership

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Meetville is one of the social network websites that also serves as a dating website. It was launched in the year 2010 by Mark Fedin and Alexander Sergeev. The company is acquired by Avanta which also manages other dating websites. Nearly 24 million members are currently on Meetville. More than 80,000 members are regular users of this website. In order to sign up with Meetville one needs to be 18+. Meetville can be used by customers from countries such as Canada, Saudi Arabia, India, United Arab Emirates, France, United Kingdom, New Zealand, United States, Indonesia, Germany, Australia, Qatar, Malaysia, Spain and Mauritius.

It may happen that after you bought the subscription you no longer have the interest to continue the subscription or maybe for reasons like any financial problem or doesn’t get enough time to use it and seem like wasting money or for security issues and so on.

And so if you are looking to cancel the subscription, delete your account and permanently remove the information and details then here you are at the right place. In this blog, we will bring to you the methods on how to cancel Meetville subscription on Android or iPhone through the online method and also on the Offline mode.

List Of Some Of The Details As Requirements

Before going to cancel Meetville subscription one must keep ready the following information and details which may require during the cancellation procedure:

  • Full Name of the member (Both First and Last name).
  • Contact Number.
  • Birth Date.
  • Email Address.
  • Username of the account.
  • Password.
  • Address on billing.
  • City.
  • Province/ State/ Region
  • Postal Code/ ZIP Code.
  • Country.
  • Last four(4) digits of the Card.
  • The date of last charged.
  • Amount that was last charged.
  • Reason for cancellation of the membership.

How To Cancel Meetville Membership

The methods consist of both Online mode and Offline mode through which you can cancel the Meetville account.

  1. Cancel through an E-mail
  2. Cancel via Mobile App ( iPhone and Android)

Let us discuss these two methods in detail below:

1. How to Meetville cancel subscription via an Email

The steps one need to perform so as to cancel Meetville subscription through email, requesting the company to delete the account from the company’s database are as follows:

  1. Open your registered email account.

    Firstly, go to the email account which was registered with Meetville.

  2. Compose an Email:

    In the next step, compose an email on cancellation.

  3. At Subject field write ‘Request to cancel my account’:

    Next, in the Subject tab, write as ‘Request to cancel my Meetville account’.

  4. Send it to the address on

    Then forward the mail to the mailing email address of Meetville at

  5. Include all the details of your Meetville account:

    Now, make sure to include all the information and details of the Meetville account so as to identify your account.

  6. Ask the rep to cancel your account or any information about you from their database:

    In the main part ask the representative to get your account cancelled permanently from Meetville including any details or photos from their databases.

  7. Retain the confirmation mail on the cancellation:

    Lastly, get the confirmation mail on cancelling the membership and make sure to retain the confirmation code or email as for future records.

2. How to cancel a subscription on Meetville through the Mobile app

Both iPhone and Android users can cancel their accounts through the Meetville Mobile App. So the steps on how to cancel Meetville membership on iPhone and Android has been described below:

Step1: Go to the Meetville Mobile Application:
At first, from your iPhone device or Android device, directly go to the Meetville Mobile App and click to open.

Step2: Click on the icon with three straight lines at the left top corner:
Next, just click on the menu icon with three straight lines which is at the left top corner of the screen.

Step3: Hit on ‘My Profile’ section:
Then, hit on the ‘My Profile’ section to go into your account.

Step4: Click on the ‘Settings’ tab:
In the next step, go to the tab on ‘Settings’.

Step5: Select on the ‘Account Settings’:
Now, select the ‘Account Settings tab.

Step6: Click on the ‘Delete account’ option:
Next, click on the option on ‘Delete Account’.

Step7: Specify the reason for the cancellation of the Account:
In this step, you need to specify the reason for cancelling the Meetville membership.

Step8: Hit the ‘Delete’ tab to get your account finally cancelled:
Lastly, hit on the ‘Delete’ tab so as to confirm your cancellation of the Meetville account.

Note: While working on mobile, in order to permanently delete the account, one must keep a note to uninstall the Meetville app from the mobile device.


How To Cancel Gym Box Membership

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Here I Will Guide You To Cancel Your GYMBOX Membership, But Before That, You Have To Know What Is GYMBOX. Gym Box Is A Corporate Fitness Club, This Is The Antidote Of Boring Gyms. They Have a Happier, Healthier, And Highly Motivated Team, Whose Mission Is To Make You Fit. Gym Box Says That They Have World Class Equipment That They Have Designed Themselves. They Have 11 Fitness Clubs Today, Which Is Still Growing. Corporate Membership Is Not A New Thing In This Health-Conscious World. Everyone Knows That If You Do Regular Exercise, Then How Many Benefits Are There As It Makes You- Fit And Also Keeps You Away From Diseases, The Same Thing Comes, Why Choose a Gym Box? Gym Box Believes That It Is A Part Of Your Lifestyle, Which Is A Revolution Of Workouts And Work Paces All Over London. Each Of Their Clubs is original, Unique, And Challenging, They Run 110 Classes In Every Week. This Is Not A Gym In Which Everything Is Just Running On The Treadmill, Gym Box Understands What People Really Want.

What’s Behind The Doors

Let’s Know, What Is Really Behind Those Doors- They Have Created A Playground In Which You People Will Be Motivated To Exercise, have Fun, And Full On To Shed Their Sweat. Their 110 Classes Every Week Will Have Something Different For Everyone. Their Instructors Will Make You Tired By Dancing, Spin, Yoga, Weight Pimping, Functional Training ETC. They Have a Proper DJ For Every Activity, His Playlist Has More Than 2000 Songs, Along With DJ Plays Lives Once In A Week Which Gives You The Pleasure Of Night Club.

5 Reasons To Choose Gym Box-

  1. In Today’s Time, Everyone Wants That They Get The Gym At a Low Price, And The Gym Box Is Like That, Where You Can Take Advantage Of The Facility With Less Money.
  2. Their Members Get All Types Of Nutrition & Fitness Accessories.
  3. Everyone Wants That The Equipment Of Gym Are The Best Quality, Then The Gym Box Also Stands Up Here.
  4. They Have A Proper DJ.
  5.  They Have Flexible Membership.

Membership Plans:-

Gym Box Have 4 Type Of Membership Plans

  • 1 Month Plan
  • 3 Month Plan
  • 6 Month Plan
  • 12 Month Plan

1 Month Plan: In This Plan, If You Are a Youth ( Age 21 & Above) Charges Are $70.

For Adult- $85
For Senior- $60(Age- 55 & Above)

3-Month Plan: In This Plan, If You Are a Youth (Age 21 & Above) Charges Are $180, $60/Month.

For Adults- $225, $75/Month
For Senior- $150, $50/Month(Age- 55 & Above)

6-Month Plan: In This Plan, If You Are a Youth (Age-21& Above) Charges Are $330, $55/Month

For Adults- $420, $70/Month
For Senior- $270, $45/Month(Age- 55 & Above)

12-Month Plan: In This Plan, If You Are a Youth (Age 21& Above) Charges Are $600, $50/Month

For Adults- $780, $65/Month
For Senior- $480, $40/Month(Age- 21 & Above)

Even After Having So Many Facilities, If You Want To Cancel Your Membership Then Follow The Instructions Given Below.

Cancel Your GymBox Membership

Customers Who Have Monthly Membership Contracts, Plans Can Be Canceled After The Membership Ends Or Even Before. You Must
Provide An Advance Notice For This, After This, You Have To Send The Cancellation Request To GYMBOX’s Website. A Member Of GYMBOX Will Answer Your Request, If You Do not, Then Send The Cancellation Request Again. If Your Payment Method Is Direct Debit, After Your Last Payment, You Will Have To Give A Request To Your Bank To Cancel The Instruction Of Direct Debit. GYMBOX Is Not Responsible For Any Kind Of Refund. GYMBOX Refunds Under These Circumstances-: Redundancy, Permanent Illness, And Permanent Injury But For This, You Have To Provide Valid Documents. All Those Members Who OPT For No Commitment Can Cancel Their Debit Directly Through The Bank Or Building Society.  A Notice Has To Be Given To The Bank Or Building Society To Stop The Next Transaction, GYMBOX Takes At Least 5 Working Days To Cancel Your Membership. Cancellation And Payment Are Not Refundable.

Gymbox Membership Cancel Through Website

  • First Go To The Web Browser In Your Device.
  • Then Enter The GYMBOX Official Site-
  • Now Ask To Cancel Your Membership.
  • They Will Give You Confirmation After Your Membership Is Cancel.

How To Cancel Subscription?

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Many of us choose the online dating website looking for the perfect match and so is It is a prominent website for Online Dating which was launched in the year 1995, in Dallas, the USA. There is a record of 9.9M subscribers described in today’s report.

As subscribers, if you have found the match and now have taken the decision to cancel and to shift to a fresh platform or maybe want to shift from online dating as you have failed interest and looking on cancel the subscription. Many users get confused and get stuck on questions like ‘If I can cancel my subscription?’

Here, is the answer, as in this article we bring to you the different methods on ‘How do I cancel my subscription?’ through the devices we use in order to proceed to the cancellation procedure conveniently.

How To Cancel Your Subscription cancel subscription is quite easy and simple to perform. To avoid the charge as the subscription fee you need to cancel the subscription if you don’t desire to have it anymore.

How to Cancel Online And Offline Subscription

There are both Online and Offline modes through which you can cancel a subscription by the different procedures.

(a) Online method:-

  • Via the official website.
  • Via external accounts like iOS, and Android.

(b) Offline method:-

  • Over the Phone.
  • Via Mail.

Let us discuss these methods on cancellation in detail below:-

(i) Cancel The Online Methods:

(a.) How To Cancel On Subscription Via Website

The steps to follow to cancel are as follows:-

  1. Go to the website of

    Firstly, through your internet browsing site visit the official site at which is the full site cancel the subscription.

  2. Log In to your account:

    With the required credentials you need to log in to your account.

  3. Click on the Account Icon:

    Now, select the account by clicking on the account icon.

  4. Select the Settings tab:

    Next, click the gear icon which is the”Settings’ tab.

  5. Tap on the ‘Cancel Membership’ section:

    Click on the ‘Cancel Membership’ button and go through the points to cancel the subscription.

  6. A message will be forwarded to you along with the confirmation mail:

    Lastly, a message will be displayed on the screen stating that the auto-renewal of the subscription is canceled and along with it the email on confirmation will be mailed.

(b.) How to Cancel membership through Mobile Device

When the members have signed up for the subscription through Google Play Store or iTunes, then here are the steps that you need to follow.

(c.) How to cancel through iTunes:

  1. First, go to the ‘Settings’ of your Apple device and click on it to open it.
  2. Now, tap on the iTunes and App Store section on the device
  3. Next, type the required credentials such as the Apple ID and its password or even the Touch ID (if given).
  4. Then, click on the Manage within Subscriptions section to make the required cancellation.
  5. Now, tap on the subscription.
  6. At last, select the ‘Cancel Subscription’ option which is at the bottom of the screen, and then click on the ‘Confirm’ tab.

Thus, these are the points one must follow on how to cancel a membership through iTunes.

(d.) How to cancel my Subscription to via an Android device

To cancel the membership the below steps are to follow:

  • Go to the Google Play Store:
    Firstly, directly go to the Google Play Store on your Android device and click to open.
  • Tap on the Account tab in the menu list:
    Now, select the ‘Account’ tab which is on the Menu List.
  • Click on the ‘Subscription’ tab:
    Next, click on the ‘Subscription’ tab from the Account.
  • Select your subscription as from the pop-up list:
    Then, select your service as from the names given in the list.
  • Hit the ‘Cancel’ button and then ‘Confirm’:
    Lastly, click on the ‘Cancel’ option and then ‘Confirm’ in order to cancel the membership.

(ii) How To Cancel On Subscription Via Offline Methods:

(a.) How to cancel membership on over the Phone

If you are not able to locate the correct options for canceling the membership by the Online methods that are mentioned above then you can go for the Offline method i.e cancellation over the phone is another option by directly contacting customer care.

  • Dial the cancellation number:
    Call to cancel by dialing the cancellation number at 800-326-5161.
  • Talk to the agent:
    Speak to the rep in accordance with the cancellation of the subscription that you want to.
  • Ask for a confirmation number or mail:
    Make sure to ask the rep for the confirmation number or mail on cancellation for future records.

(b.) Cancellation of through Mail

  • In this method, you need to compose a letter by providing the desire to wish for the cancellation of the subscription.
  • Send it to the address.
    P.O. Box 25472,
    Dallas, Texas 75225.
  • Ask for the confirmation mail as a reply from the service.

Cancel Membership Refund:

  • Normally all the purchases are non-refundable and final. No credits or refunds for a partly used time period, except for those laws that are applicable in the terms of refunds.
  • Cancel subscription refund has the right to cancel service where the subscribers can cancel their subscriptions without having charged for any penalty or debt any time before midnight of the third day of its subscription i.e we can cancel the within 3 days of its subscription without a charge.
  • cancel subscription refund is also applicable when the user becomes diable during the event ( as such you are not able to utilize the services) prior to the end of the subscription period, then the member is entitled to a refund of the part of the that it had paid for the subscription which will be allocable on the interval after the disability. The user must furnish the company with a notice the cancel and get a refund.
  • If you have subscribed for the subscription with an external account such as via Apple ID, then the cancel refund is handled by the Apple service.

How to cancel within 14 days:

One of the common FAQs on service is on 14-day cancellation. So if you wish to discontinue the subscription as well as want to cancel the payment, then you can go to the ‘Account Settings’ for the cancellation of the automatic renewal subscription. A 14-day period of cooling-off will be offered to you on any purchase of the subscription. For requesting a refund you can contact the Customer Support team.


Thus, we hope this article will be helpful to any of your confusion on ‘Can you cancel subscription’ and the methods on how to proceed. The methods described are simple and very handy to perform for any issues or queries then you can take guidance from the Customer Care group by directly contacting them.

cancel my Dollar Shave Club Membership

Unsubscribing from Dollar Shave Club: A Practical How-To Guide

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Dollar Shave Club is a company that offers products to customers with personal grooming commodities by mail it is an American firm, established in Venice which is in California. Dollar Shave Club also comes up with deliveries which is a source of the monthly services along with additional offers on grooming products on home delivery for the members.

The company Dollar Shave Club made its publicity through its creativity on a YouTube Video dealing with the subscription razor service in the year 2012. At present, the firm is maintained by the mega-giant Unilever.

The recent reports on the marketing news on Dollar Shave Club state that the service on Dollar Shave Club subscription is gaining members at a rate of nearly 10% in a year and has around 4M members with the membership.

But, although it has millions of members with a subscription to this service yet the hauls on the razors in return might not be enjoyable for everybody with the subscription. Because of this, you may look for ways to cancel Dollar Shave Club and what will happen when you do so while saving money and investing it in some other firm. All these confusing questions may come to your mind and so, here in this article, we have assembled simple and easy guidance on the topic of ‘How do I cancel Dollar Shave Club membership’ in the most convenient manner.

Dollar Shave Club Cancel membership:- Methods

Although as a member you are regularly receiving the shipments from the Dollar Shave Club Order Box when you realize that now you want to take a break. Here we will illustrate the instructions that you need to follow through the step-by-step points on ‘How do I cancel Dollar Shave Club membership?’ and all that you have to do to start the procedure is the login information that you had set on the account and the little of your time to spare with patience while performing the process on cancel membership Dollar Shave Club.

How To Cancel Membership On Dollar Shave Club?

If you have no more feelings of love for the beauty and grooming box of subscription and wish for Dollar Shave Club to cancel the order then follow the below steps on Dollar Shave Club how to cancel my membership with the mentioned 7 easy points so that you can easily go for the cancellation process for any of your reason at any time.

The steps are:-

  1. Visit the HomePage on Dollar Shave Club:

    Firstly, from the official website on Dollar Shave Club through the preferred internet browsing site you need to go to the HomePage of the Dollar Shave Club account.

  2. Log In to the Dollar Shave Club:

    Now in the next step, you must ‘Log In’ to the account with the required credentials such as the email address and the password that you have set on your Dollar Shave Club account.
    There is another option for logging in where directly log in through the Google Account or can ‘Sign-In’ via your Facebook account.

  3. Go to Page on ‘Account’:

    Then you move to the upper portion of the toolbar on the ‘Account Page’.

  4. Select on ‘Membership Settings’ tab:

    Next on the Account Page, search for the ‘Membership Settings’ button and select the tab to open. The option on Membership Settings will be displayed below the Account Page when your order on the first purchase has been shipped.

  5. Ask for ‘Help’ to cancel the subscription:

    Here you must ask the Dollar Shave Club for the ‘Help me stop my subscriptions’ option.

  6. Choose a reason for cancellation:

    Then, you must specify a reason for the Dollar Shave Club membership to be canceled.

  7. Tap on ‘Stop Subscription’:

    Lastly, you need to hit on the ‘Stop Subscription’ tab to confirm the cancellation of your account.

Thus, you will receive a confirmation mail that the account was successfully canceled.

Helpful Note: To avoid getting any extra delivery, you must ensure to send the request on cancellation on the first day itself of the following month. And if you send the cancellation request later, your cancellation may not be processed till the next month.

Hence, we hope that all the questions on ‘How to cancel Dollar Shave Club membership’ have been cleared, but if there is any trouble while canceling the Dollar Shave Club subscription account, then you can make direct contact with the Customer Support Care team when required for any further help.’

Cancel Vivint Membership

How To Cancel Vivint Membership

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Vivint can be expressed as a technology that provides smart house security features, operating in the states of Canada and the United States of America. The services and features that Vivint avails to its members can be mentioned as-

  • Software on home automation.
  • Systems on smart home insurance.
  • Smart look in wireless.
  • Management technology etc.

As per the new reports, it has been said that the Vivint company includes more than 1.5 M members who had subscribed for its membership.

But sometimes you may want to cancel Vivint’s service and think of if you can cancel Vivint thereby might face difficulty in, Vivint has established a notoriously tough way for the contract on Vivint home security cancellation. They are lengthy and at the same time, they have clauses with auto-renewal that may bind you to the services for the coming years.

So through this article, we will like to provide you with complete guidance on ‘How to cancel Vivint’ and on canceling Vivint’s alarm contract.

Vivint Cancellation Process

The members of Vivint had to go through a strict procedure to cancel Vivint’s contract.

At first, you need to send a ‘Cancellation Notice’ hand-written. The Cancellation Notice must contain the below information:

  • Your account number.
  • A valid signature.
  • The notice date.
  • Your purpose is to cancel the Vivint service.

Vivint security cancellation methods:

There are various methods through which one can cancel the Vivint contract. But you can try by dialing the number at 1-800-216-5232 x5020 in order to inform the firm about the Vivint service cancellation as the Vivint cancellation policy is quite a bit strict so it is better to give a double-check before doing anything.

Cancellation Methods On Vivint Service

  • Through Snail Mail.
  • Through Email.
  • Over the Phone.
  • Via Fax.

(i) Vivint How To Cancel By Snail Mail i.e Via Post

In order to cancel your Vivint service by post is to be done in hand-written. The ‘Notice of Cancellation’ i.e a NOC on paper copy needs to be sent to the firm, as they may ask for it.

You require to include the following details on your NOC such as:

  • The service number.
  • Your Valid Signature.
  • The excuse for your cancellation and
  • The date of the notice.

After composing the letter you need to send it to the address:-

4931 N 300 W
UT 84604
The Corporate HQ for Vivint.

Inform your bank about this matter of cancellation, so that they stop paying payments to the company with a notice.


Make sure to send a certified letter, in order to prevent the letter from being ‘LOST’ in the mail section.

A confirmation notice on your letter will be delivered to you, which you must keep carefully, you should also keep for yourself a soft copy of the Notice of Cancellation which may be required for future reference.

(ii) How To Cancel My Vivint Service Via The Email

To cancel through Email pursue the following procedure:

  • You need to Email the NOC at the address by the email that is registered to the account of Vivint.
  • Sometimes seen that they try to neglect the mail and to escape this, you require to get a rep with customer commitment on the line so that they confirmed that they had received the email on your cancellation.

(iii) How Do I Cancel Vivint Over The Phone

The method for cancellation on Vivint through phone constitutes the below step

Directly dial the Vivint cancellation number at 855-995-1224.

Then you specify the reason for the cancellation to the executive team.

But as per the policy you have to send a NOC on a paper copy on whichever method you choose to cancel.

If in case, you have to cancel the Vivint contract as the user and a member of this service has died or maybe for any other extended situation then you have to send documents on Vivint cancellation like the death certificate as proof.

(iv) How To Cancel My Vivint Account Via Fax

  • Send the details of your cancellation by fax at 801-377-4116.
  • Then your petition for cancellation will be handled by the Correspondence on the paperwork.
  • To act wise, you must contact the agent in order to confirm that the fax has been received by them.

Vivint Security Cancellation Fee

To cancel the Vivint service without any fee then you must cancel the contract within the Vivint 3 days cancellation term after receiving the equipment.

Situations in which there you won’t be charged with a cancellation fee are as follows:

  • If the service user dies.
  • Filing a case on bankruptcy.
  • After the member shifts to home on retirement.
  • When the user has been a military member who was deployed overseas.

Documents to support statements must be furnished to the company.

But, other than these cases Vivint cancellation fee must be charged to you including the full payment for the service of cancellation.

For the first year: $300.
For the second year: $150.

Vivint Cancellation Policy

According to the Vivint cancellation form you need to go strictly through the policy on cancellation of service:

  1. When the NOC gets received by the company, then they would confirm the contract cancellation and communicate the alternatives for the contract to end.

  2. Vivint allows you to cancel your contract only within three days after getting the equipment without being charged the cancellation fee.

  3. Vivint Military policy on cancellation:

    As per the Vivint Cancellation policy, the company would cancel the contract agreement on military personnel or for those who are inactive duty and are deployed for six months or nearly more than that, had received the PCS order, or have been discharged on medical claims, had entered the retirement home for 20 years or longer, then the company will accept your service cancellation depending on the receipt of the official order copy.

How To Cancel Vivint Online

It has been seen that the company does not have any official website for the members to cancel the contract. But there is an online application namely the ‘DoNotPay’ app through which one can go through the process of cancellation.

Here are the steps mentioned below that you need to follow:

  • At first, you can download the application of DoNotPay through the preferred browsing site on your tablet, smartphone, or computer and as a user of an iOS device, one can download the app from the Apple Store on the respective device.
  • Now you need to look for and then click on the tab with ‘Find Hidden Money.
  • Next, you must type the name of the subscription as ‘Vivint’ as the one which you want to cancel.
  • Furnish them with your Email ID that has been registered to the Vivint account.

It may nearly take about 48 hours or maybe less than that to complete the procedure.

Bottom lines:

Thus from the above-illustrated methods and the policy you can easily earn an idea on ‘How to cancel Vivint after contract’ and even after this you face any issues or have any query to make you can contact the customer support team to get further guidance on it.

How Do I Cancel My ABC Financial Membership?

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ABC Financial is a membership given to gym members. It facilitates billing services for the payments and subscription systems for various gyms. In the US, around 7000 gyms are managed by the ABC financial company. It was founded in the year 1981. It is flexible i.e. ABC Financial provides all types of facilities as per your requirements. It provides security to a member’s account by encrypting with a strong password which is checked regularly. The company thus provides stability as it has been increasing its fitness clubs for decades.

However, if you do not want to continue your ABC financial gym membership, then you can cancel anytime fitness ABC financial membership if there is an emergency or for any other reason.

In this article, we will discuss the topic of ‘How to cancel ABC financial services’ for your guidance on ABC financial gym cancellation through the different methods available.

How To Cancel Your ABC Financial Membership

So, if you are a member of ABC Financial and no longer willing to enjoy the services offered by the company you can surely go for ABC Financial and cancel your gym membership.

There are some methods through which you cannot cancel your ABC financial membership:

  • No online website for ABC financial canceling accounts on membership.
  • You cannot visit the center and cancel your membership in person.

But you need not worry at all as there are also methods accessible that you can use to cancel your ABC financial membership.

  • ABC Financial gym membership cancellation over a phone
  • ABC Financial membership cancellation by delivering mail.
  • ABC Financial cancellation of membership through email.

How To Cancel ABC Financial Services Manually

As a subscriber, you have the right to cancel your subscription if you are not satisfied, but before you go through the cancellation process make sure to be ready with the below details.

Here is the information that you need to furnish to the gym managed by ABC to cancel the ABC Financial membership:-

  1. Firstly, provide your full details such as the name and location of your gym Centre that you wish to cancel.
  2. The address from which billing is done.
  3. Provide them with your email ID, the one that you used at the time of signing the account.
  4. Also, forward them the agreement number which is 9 digits which will help you to easily identify your ABC financial account.

(A) ABC Financial Anytime Fitness Cancellation Of Membership Over A Phone

The members of ABC Financial can cancel their membership by contacting the customer agent over the phone.

Follow the below steps:-

  1. You have to dial the referred number as ABC Financial Gym membership cancellation number -1-888-827-9262.
  2. You need to wait for a minute or so to get your call connected or to get responses from the service agent.
  3. Now, when your call gets connected, ask the executive to check if you can cancel the membership. If he answers ‘Yes’ your cancellation will be done and furnish him with all the details to identify your account.
  4. Also, make sure to ask the agent about the confirmation mail on successful ABC financial membership cancellation which may be required shortly for reference.

But note that some of the gyms do not provide service cancellation by contacting over the phone. If this case occurs, you will be instructed to cancel through mail or email. By following the instructions one can cancel Gold’s gym membership with ABC Financial.

(B) ABC Financial Edge Fitness Cancellation By Sending Mail

ABC Financial Services offers payment services to various centers and its membership can be canceled by sending mail.

These are what you need to do for ABC financial gym cancellation via mail:-

  1. Firstly, you have to compose a letter with the subject ABC financial cancel membership to cancel your service.
  2. While writing the letter, you must also keep in mind to include all the information and details regarding your account. The social security number of 4 digits should also be included in the letter.
  3. Ensure to ask the company to send you the confirmation email for future records.
  4. Lastly, sign the letter and then deliver the letter to the address to whom you are sending to cancel your gym membership:
    • ABC Financial
      PO Box 6800
      Sherwood, AR 72124.

You can also contact the agent if you don’t receive any confirmation email from the company side as the email you need to receive from the other side as confirmation is of much importance.

(C) ABC Financial Wow Cancel Membership Through Email

A member can also cancel an ABC Financial Wow membership via email.

Following are the steps that you need to go through for ABC financial cancel membership:-

  1. ABC Financial membership cancellation Email sending address:

    You need to send an email to the address mentioned – to cancel your ABC financial account.

  2. Enquire and enclose all the account details to the customer care representative:

    Ask customer care to cancel the ABC financial membership. You need to enclose all your personal information related to the account. Once your email gets delivered you need to wait to get your queries answered.

How To Cancel ABC Financial Services Through DoNotPay App

The manual process, of sending an email delivering letters, or contacting them over the phone to reach the executive is a bit lengthy process and may take ages. The support team sometimes doesn’t reply to their customers which may also create confusion, as to whether your account has been canceled or not. So, there is another option by which you can cancel your membership without waiting in queues to answer your questions.

You can cancel your anytime gym membership with the help of the DoNotPay app. It doesn’t take much time to complete the cancellation process. Just in a few clicks cancellation can be done.

Follow the instructions mentioned below:

  • Firstly, install the app from the Apple Store if you are an iOS user or you can browse the browser and visit the DoNotPay application.
  • Then, select the ‘Find Hidden Money option.
  • Type ‘ABC Financial’ as the service you wish to cancel so that your ABC financial service will be terminated.
  • Lastly, a confirmation email will be sent to you after canceling the ABC financial membership on successful cancellation.

ABC Financial Cancel Membership Fees

ABC Financial gym membership cancellation fees are the fee that is added to the invoice before the cancellation of the account. The fees paid as the membership fee may or may not be refunded. It depends on when you paid the payment. ABC Financial refund follows the policy of ABC Financial.

Cancel FYE Backstage Membership

Cancel FYE Backstage Membership

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FYE Backstage, particularly also known as FYE VIP. Its retail store offers programs and stimulates the members with great deals on discounts.

Backstage Pass is a program that rewards members with various services. It can be purchased from FYE online or in retail stores.

The members can enjoy up to 10℅ discounts on their purchases and exclusive deals on gifts, toys, music, T-shirts, Vinyl, Funko, and collectibles gifts. You can also enjoy other benefits, like Backstage Pass VIP membership and so on.

There are two programs for Backstage Pass:

  1. Backstage Pass VIP:-
    It is a free trial for a single month.
  2. Platinum Backstage Pass:-
    It is a membership for a year that you can purchase from any FYE store to enjoy the various services.

But sometimes it happens that you might not be satisfied with FYE and thus want to cancel the FYE Backstage VIP Pass as spending money on something that you hardly use may not be worth it.

FYE Backstage Pass Cancel membership

To cancel your FYE Backstage membership which would stop you from being charged then you must be ready to go through some of the steady modes. Here we will guide you on FYE Backstage pass VIP cancel membership in a very comprehensive manner.

Cancel my FYE Backstage Pass

We can enjoy FYE Backstage services by attaining the membership and can also cancel it easily if we no longer want to use it. It is to keep in mind that FYE VIP cancellation cannot proceed by visiting the retail store.

But here we will discuss the different methods through which we can cancel FYE VIP membership.

Following are the ways to cancel my FYE VIP Pass which are described in detail below:-

  1. Cancel Backstage subscription FYE manually.
  2. Cancel FYE VIP membership by email.
  3. Cancel FYE Backstage membership by phone.
  4. Cancel the FYE Backstage pass online.
  5. Cancel Backstage subscription FYE by delivering a letter.

1. How to Cancel Backstage Subscription On FYE Manually

In order to cancel FYE VIP membership manually whenever you don’t want to continue with the service, we have to keep the membership ID number to cancel the subscription on FYE.

2. Cancel FYE Backstage VIP Pass By Email

Here are the steps that you need to follow for FYE VIP cancellation:-

  1. First, you have to use the link to send an email and ask them to cancel the FYE VIP membership.
  2. You have to put all your necessary details in the email that you are going to send along with the membership number.
  3. At last, make sure to inquire about the confirmation mail from them regarding the successful cancellation of the FYE VIP pass.

3. Cancel FYE Backstage Membership With The Help Of a Phone

Here, you need to make direct contact with the agent for cancellation over the phone. Follow the steps below for FYE Backstage pass cancellation:-

  1. First, dial the number +1-877-351-2131 to get in touch with the executives of the FYE Backstage.
  2. Then you have to request them to cancel your FYE Backstage pass VIP membership.
  3. Make sure to confirm the cancellation of membership verbally or by email as proof for future records.

4. Cancel FYE VIP Membership Online

With the help of the online site, one can handily cancel the subscription without waiting in queues or lines.

These are the following steps to be followed to cancel the FYE Backstage pass online:-

  • Firstly, search the Contact Us page of the firm through the preferred web browser on the official website.
  • Type your necessary details in the form as asked for.
  • In the section, Reason for Contact click on ‘Member Cancellation’.
  • After that submit your form.
  • You should wait for the confirmation email to receive it.

5. Cancel FYE Backstage Pass Membership By Delivering  letters

You can cancel your FYE VIP membership by delivering letters and providing personal details.

  • Firstly, request the company for cancellation of membership in the letter.
  • State all your details along with the membership number
  • Deliver the letter to the address below:-
    FYE Backstage Pass VIP
    P.O. Box 41248
    Nashville, TN 37204.

Cancel FYE Backstage VIP Pass With The Help Of the DoNotPay App

In the above ways, we have referred to the various ways by which we can cancel the Backstage subscription FYE. But there is another way to cancel the VIP Pass by the app named DoNotPay.

FYE VIP Cancellation of membership can lead to a hectic and waste of time reaching the executive to answer your call. So, you can use the app DoNotPay and cancel the service hassle-free.

Follow the steps and it can be processed with a few clicks:-

  • Search the browser or install from DoNotPay in your web browser or download the Apple Store if you are an iOS user.
  • Select the ‘Find Hidden Money tab.
  • Then click the ‘FYE Backstage Pass’ to cancel the service you don’t want.
  • After cancellation, an email confirmation will be delivered to you at your registered email address.

You cannot freeze the FYE membership if you are not satisfied with the services offered.

You can receive a refund when you cancel your FYE VIP membership on the day of your purchase. After the period ends you will not receive any refund. Your subscription will automatically renew the free trial if the period is over. So, you have to cancel your FYE Backstage membership before the paid billing cycle ends.

Cancel A Pledge On Patreon

How You Can Cancel Pledge On Patreon

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Patreon is an American-based platform that helps members to support their artists and creators. This online outlet has 100,000 creators performing their creativity. However, if you wish to cancel a Pledge on Patreon you can go through this text to earn an idea on it.

How To Cancel A Pledge On Patreon

To cancel a Pledge on Patreon, one should know certain things that will be helpful during cancellation. You can cancel when you no longer wish to continue with the service.

There are a few types of cancellations and the list goes like this: –

  1. Cancellation of Pledge on Patreon per creator, the pending bill if any will be processed.
  2. Cancellation is done on annual membership and you will not receive any auto-renewal of membership.
  3. Cancellation of the annual plan and no refunds will be assisted for the amount paid.

Methods To Cancel A Pledge On Patreon

The cancellation of a Pledge on Patreon is not an easy nor a tough task. You can choose any of the modes which will be discussed below. You will be unsubscribed from pledges you supported once you cancel them. You cannot send mail or deliver letters or in-person to cancel the pledges but there are various ways by which you can cancel the Pledge on Patreon.

The different mode available for canceling a Pledge on Patreon is described below:-

  1. Cancellation of Pledge on Patreon on computer.
  2. Cancellation of Pledge on Patreon from the iOS device.
  3. Cancellation of Pledge on Patreon in Android.
  4. Cancel a Pledge on Patreon through the browser.
  5. Cancel a Pledge on Patreon via phone.

1. How Do I Cancel A Pledge On Patreon On The Computer

  • At first, search in the web browser and type for ‘Patreon Pledge’ then sign in to the account you logged in from the Patreon account.
  • Then tap on the button ‘Manage Memberships’.
  • In the tab of Active Membership, you have to find the Pledge you want to discontinue and then you select the ‘Edit’ tab.
  • Tap on the buttons either ‘Edit’ or ‘Cancel Payment.
  • A small screen will appear on your desktop and you have to select the option Cancel Your Payment.

2. How To Cancel A Pledge On Patreon By The iOS Device

To cancel a Pledge on Patreon, you have to use the Patreon application for canceling the Pledge on Patreon. The  few steps that are to be followed are:-

  1. Firstly, open the Patreon app on your iOS device and log into the account.
  2. Type in the bar the Pledge that you no longer want to continue.
  3. Move the cursor and you will see three dots tap on it
  4. A small screen pops up and you need to select the ‘Edit Pledge’ option from there.
  5. Now move the cursor and select either of the two options ‘Edit’ or ‘Cancel Payment.
  6. Lastly, select the option ‘Cancel your Payment’ to confirm.

3. Cancel APledge On Patreon By Android Gadgets

If you are an Android user, you have to the following steps to cancel of Pledge on Patreon:-

  1. First, search the Patreon app and then log in to your account.
  2. Select the tab ‘Account’.
  3. After that select the memberships that you want to cancel.
  4. There will be a pencil image following the pledge you don’t want.
  5. You have to click on Edit to make any changes to your account or click on Cancel Payment to cancel your pledge
  6. Lastly, click on Cancel your Payment and your cancellation will be confirmed.

4. How Do You Cancel A Pledge On Patreon Through The Web Browser

Here is what you need to follow:-

  1. Search the browser for Patreon and log in to your account
  2. After logging in you will find the button ‘My Profile Settings’, you have to click on the tab ‘My User Settings’.
  3. You have to disconnect your profile link connected to your Google and Facebook accounts.
  4. Move your cursor to the Disable Account tab and then select it.
  5. Then type the password of your Patreon account and confirm the cancellation of Pledges.

5. How To Cancel A Pledge On Patreon Over The Phone

  • Dial to get your call connected to your customer care. Call the number – 714-815-5524 and talk directly to the agent.
  • Then you will be connected to the executive to cancel your Patreon account.
  • They will instruct you to follow a few steps to cancel the account
  • Lastly, ask them to confirm the cancellation with an email.

How Do You Cancel A Pledge On Patreon With The Help Of The App DoNotPay

The cancellation of the pledge on Patreon may be complicated. If you know your account details you can cancel it but if not known because of signing up from Google and Facebook it will be tough for you to cancel. There is an app named DoNotApp that will sort out your problems that occurred in cancellation. You have to follow the following steps:-

  • First, download the app from the Apple Store if you are an iOS user for free or launch it to the browser and open it.
  • Then select the ‘Find Hidden Money’ button and click on it.
  • Fill in the bar with the name ‘Patreon the Pledge’ service that you want to cancel.
  • You will receive a verification email from the executive confirming that your membership has been canceled.

They will forbid the company from charging any fee and the creator will not be able to charge or auto-renew for your free trials. Your credit card will also not be charged for the subscription after you cancel it.

Cancellation Of Pledge On Patreon Refund

After the cancellation of your membership, you are not liable to receive a refund. You can cancel your monthly pledges and enjoy the services till your last billing date. There may be fraud cases or errors in billing, in that case, you have to reach customer care and inquire them to pay back.

Patreon Free Trial Will Auto-Renew Into A Subscription That Is Paid

New patrons may receive the service of free trials offered by the creators of Patreon. You will be charged if your free trials come to an end unless you cancel the pledge on Patreon.

Thus, from the above-mentioned methods, you can go for the easy cancellation of a Pledge on Patreon and can contact customer care service for further assistance.