Cancel EDF Energy

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How to cancel EDF Energy Account? Want to learn how to cancel your EDF account, here in this article we have included information regarding your search query on cancellation.

A brief on EDF Energy: EDF or Électricité de France is an integrated British firm owned by French nationalized EDF, with processes adopting generation of electricity and natural gas sale and power energy to houses and business fields all over the United Kingdom.

As per the cancellation policy of EDF Energy, after registering into the account you will have 14 days to cancel the contract with EDF without any fee charged. The cancellation fee can be ended at any moment by requesting a different provider to become the supplier. The provider will contact the present supplier to end the contract. You can also ask the provider to cancel, the plan charges will be required to pay as you are still on the current contract and you have not yet moved to a different provider.

If you are moving to a new location make sure to provide a notice so that the company ends the contract with you. In case you do not make any request, a bill will be generated for the previous contract term. Once you obtain the notice two business days will be given to cancel the Energy at EDF.

The company itself can cancel the EDF energy contract if:-

  • Fail to cope with the policies.
  • Do not possess, rent, or utilize the premises.
  • Bankruptcy or Insolvency on the customers’ part.
  • Stolen energy.
  • Risk of life if the company does not stop the supply.
  • The energy supplier license expired.
  • If you paid through the Direct Debit option but the transaction failed and you have not made any changes in the payment mode, the company is liable to cancel EDF Energy.

What are the methods to cancel my EDF Energy? 

You need to go through the cancellation terms and policies and check if you will be charged with a cancellation fee or not. Some suppliers charge fees for early cancellation and you need to know when your contract will end or how much time is left for ending the contract term.

Your plan that you subscribed to might come with a fee on exit. But if the plan has 3 months left or canceling within a period of 14 days from the date of registration no fees will be added to your bill.

  1. Write a message via email at to request customer service to cancel your EDF account. Also, ask them about the cancellation fees.
  2. Raise your voice at -0333-200-5100 on the phone and request the representative to help you out with the cancellation process. Provide them necessary information related to your account. You will be notified of the cancellation via letter or email.
  3. Visit and log in using account credentials and keep a track of your account. Request the customer team to assist you to cancel EDF Energy.
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