How To Cancel Cheers Health Subscription

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Cheers Health offers protection to your liver. If you want to take care of your health then you can take the Cheers Health subscription. It offers products deliberately in order to eliminate the side effects of swallowing alcohol, supporting the immune system and liver. This minimizes the drinking hangover. 

Products like Cheers Protect, Cheers Restore, and Cheers Hydrate.

Cheers Health provides customers to enter into a subscription to refill the bottles at discounted prices.

If you are still having hangovers and the pills fail to control then you might think of canceling Cheers Health Auto-Refill.

This page is what will be providing the solution on how you can cancel your cheers health subscription.

How do I cancel my subscription to INC Cheers Health:

Individuals love to drink but when the time comes to wake up in the morning, this is just you cannot take the call because of an overdose. You may take pills from Cheers Health but if this does not work on your hangovers you can directly cancel the membership.

In order to cancel Cheer Health Subscription, the company offers cancellation requests via Email.

Here are the steps to cancel the Auto-Refill subscription of Cheers Health through Email are as follows:

  1. Compose an email requesting that you are not benefited from the pills that you purchased from Cheers Health and now decided to opt-out of the subscription.
  2. Provide your Customer ID, contact info, amounts of orders made, and other relevant information related to the account.
  3. Also, request a confirmation text that the subscription is being canceled.
  4. Check if anything you miss to point out about the purchased product and deliver it to

When you are fully convinced that the account should be canceled, keep in mind to make the request twenty-four hours before the start of the date of renewal. This will help in saving some pennies.

Refunds are also provided on cancellation for the 1st order with only one unit of product. If you do not recover then you can request a refund claiming that the pills do not make feel better after using it 

Send an email to the given address at in 15 days to make a refund request.

FAQs:- Cheers Health Cancel

Who is eligible for refunds on Cheers Health?

Consumers who had their First Order but medicines are not effective for the hangovers can request a refund in 15 days by Email. Recurring customers are not eligible for refunds and individuals through the Get $5 referral promotion and Give $5.

How to take a break from a subscription to Cheers Health?

Go to the Help page and modify the Auto-Refills whenever you want to. Contact the customer representative by email or visit the homepage of Cheers Health and log in with your details to rearrange the account subscription.

How to contact the customer service team?

If you made up your mind to cancel the service call -855-293-7399 directly on the phone.

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