How to cancel DistroKid Subscription

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DistroKid is an independent platform for music digitally. The services offered by the organization recommend musicians and patent holders to disperse and stream or sell music using retailers like Apple or iTunes Music, Pandora, Spotify, Amazon Music, Tidal, YouTube Music, iHeartRadio, Deezer, etc.

You need to pay $19.99 in order to upload unlimited albums and songs annually. If people listen to your uploaded songs, we will pay you money. You can keep a hundred percent of your earnings and keep uploading your songs.

In some cases, users might be determined to discontinue the services offered although DistroKid offers better features than other music platforms.

How do I cancel my DistroKid Subscription:

After you paid the fee for a particular year, you can upload music but if at one point now you do not wish to continue using the subscription, just terminate the account.

The following instructions that we will be discussing are mentioned below:-

  1. First, go to the DistroKid website and enter the username and password to Login into the account.
  2. Next, as you enter tap on the More button.
  3. Choose the ‘Account Settings’ option.
  4. Tap on the ‘Account’ option in the following step.
  5. Proceed to tap on the  ‘Delete Account’ option. On clicking the option, you will receive a confirmation email of unsubscribing from the DistroKid account.

What happens if you cancel DistroKid:

As mentioned in the terms and policies of DistroKid, a subscription is charged annually. The Subscription needs to be renewed otherwise the music will be removed by services. In order to avoid this, upload the music in the optional Leave a Legacy extra of DistroKid. This does not remove the music if the payment is canceled and you are late to making the DistroKid membership payment.

After canceling the DistroKid subscription, the releases will still appear in the streaming services. Adding up the extra to the release will not displace the membership fees that you paid annually, in case there is already an active membership. These charges will be applicable on all releases as you add up to Extras and especially if you are determined to cancel the account and keep the releases for future streaming. Search for the checkbox “Leave a Legacy” on the upload form of DistroKid, or the album page, leaving the endowment for upcoming generations.

DistroKid cancel Subscription Refund:

If DistroKid charges any fee this might be the subscription fee or album extras renewal that you selected to pay yearly while uploading. Charges are deducted by tapping the Profile tab and selecting the Receipts option. Also, check the Extras tab from the DistroKid dashboard.

For refunds, you need to submit a refund request. Click DistroKid Help Center and head to Submit a Request. Select the category and this might help the rep to resolve your queries.

During the first year of subscription, you need to upgrade on signing up in 14 days then you will receive the refund in full. If you surpass the upgrade then you will receive a prorated at a less amount.

How to cancel DistroKid Extras:

  • Sign in to DistroKid.
  • Move to the release i.e. the Extras that you wish to terminate.
  • Tap on  “Edit Release”.
  • Select “Remove this release from all stores”.
  • After clicking the button, you need to wait for the release to delete.
  • The time taken will be 1 to 2 weeks in order to remove from the services.
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