How to cancel Factor Meals

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Got your subscription with Factor Meals but it doesn’t suit your taste? Simply cancel your Factor Meals subscription if it’s not worth it anymore.

Factor Meals is a famous service that works in the delivery of pre-made meals. The platform provides instant chef-prepared food which is delivered directly to the doorstep.

This blog is all about the methods for Factor Meals to cancel subscriptions. So if you are looking for how to cancel Factor 75 Meals, read it till the end of this page.

How do you cancel Factor Meals?

There are three methods by which a Factor Meals subscription can be canceled. The methods are explained in detail below.

How do I cancel my Factor Meals via the Website or App

To cancel my Factor Meals directly on the website or cancel Factor Meals on the app, follow the steps below:

  1. Visit the Factor Meals website and then log in to the account by entering the required credentials.
  2. Go to ‘Plan Settings’ which is at the sidebar tab on the main screen.
  3. Now, scroll below and click on the ‘Status’ section.
  4. Next, hit the ‘Deactivate my plan’ tab.
  5. Then, click the option on ‘Cancel anyway’.
  6. Further, select the button on ‘Deactivate now’ to complete the cancellation procedure.

How To Cancel Factor Meals Subscription through an Email

The process to cancel through email is quite simple and easy.

Here it is on Factor Meals how to cancel a subscription by sending an Email:

  • First, from the registered email ID, write an email to Factor Meals customer support at
  • Now, on the Subject by box, type ‘Cancel My Subscription’.
  • Next, in the body section, state the request to cancel the subscription along with details such as the full name of the member, registered email ID, shipping address, and cancellation reason.
  • The support team will revert with a confirmation email once the cancellation gets processed.

How do I Cancel Factor Meals over Phone

Following are the steps on Factor Meal cancel subscription over Phone:

  • At first, dial to the Factor Meal Customer support number at (888) 573-5727.
  • State the request to cancel the subscription on Factor Meal.
  • Make sure to provide the details to the representative which include the full name of the user, address, contact number, subscription account details etc.
  • Also make sure to get a confirmation email once the process gets completed.

Wrapping Up:

Hope, by now you got your answer through this blog. Just go with any of the aforesaid methods and you can easily get rid of the Factor Meals subscription account. One can even get in touch with the customer care service for guidance.

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