How to cancel Home Chef Subscription

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Are you looking for a means on Home Chef to cancel a subscription? Confused about where to start the process for Home Chef cancellation?

This article on how to cancel a Home Chef membership will guide the readers to attain the idea of getting rid of the subscription account on Home Chef most efficiently. So make sure to read it till the bottom of this page.

Home Chef provides its customers with a properly planned meal that promises a fresh instant cooking experience delivered at the doorstep. In case one no longer wants to continue the subscription with Home Chef for what reason, in such a situation cancelling the Home Chef subscription seems to be the best solution of all.

How to cancel a Home Chef subscription stress-free

Home Chef comes up with methods on how to cancel Home Chef accounts that enable its members to go through the procedure in a stress-free manner.

Following we have described the convenient methods with step-by-step points that one must follow for a quick success in attaining a successful cancellation.

How to cancel Home Chef permanently

There are two methods for how to cancel your Home Chef subscription. They are:

  • Through an Email
  • Over Phone

How to cancel my Home Chef subscription via Email

To cancel a Home Chef account by sending an Email one must follow the below steps:

  • Firstly write an email to
  • Under the subject state ‘Request for cancellation of the subscription’.
  • In the email, make sure to include the details related to the subscription account like the full name of the user, email ID, and contact number so that the account can be identified easily.
  • Make a request to cancel the subscriptions and permanently delete the account of Home Chef.
  • State the reason for cancellation if there is any.

The support team of Home Chef will revert back to the email and assist in proceeding with the cancellation.

How do I cancel my subscription to Home Chef over the Phone

Here are the steps for canceling a Home Chef subscription over the Phone:

  1. At first to start, call 1-872-225-2433, the Home Chef customer support phone number.
  2. In the response from the agent, ask them to cancel and at the same time delete the subscription account.
  3. Furnish the details that are related to the Home Chef account such that it helps the agent to easily identify the account.
  4. Lastly, make sure to get a confirmation over email or phone on the cancellation and deletion of the subscription account by the Home Chef team.

** We hope this blog helps to choose the most convenient method for the cancellation of the account to the readers. Yet for any sort of concern like ‘How hard to cancel Home Chef ‘, ‘How to cancel Home Chef delivery’ etc. feel free to get in touch with the Home Chef support service for direction.