Persopo Cancel Membership

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Persopo delivers monthly membership to online social records searchers.

Yet if you want to cancel Persopo, whatever may be the reason behind doing so, you can choose to do so anytime when the need arises.

How to cancel Persopo

Once you move to the cancellation process, make sure you have the below details ready with you, as it may be required further in the process to cancel:

  • Full Name of the member
  • Address
  • Contact Number
  • City
  • Region/State
  • Postal Code or ZIP Code
  • Country
  • An email with which the account was registered
  • Password
  • Last Four numbers of your card from which the payment was charged.

Methods to cancel Persopo membership

How to cancel a Persopo account over the Phone through Live Agent

So the steps to include on Persopo cancel membership account on Phone are:

  1. Step1:

    Dial the Persopo customer support team phone number at 1-866-371-2590.

  2. Step2:

    Talk to the agent and state the desire to cancel the subscription account.

  3. Step3:

    Provide all the information that is related to the account, so that the agent finds it easy to track the account.

  4. Step4:

    Request a refund ( if there is any).

  5. Step5:

    Then ask to get you a confirmation email or number as cancellation proof and make sure to carefully retain the given confirmation for future records.

How do I cancel Persopo through an Email?

One must follow the below steps on Persopo cancel account through Email:

Step a: Write an email that includes a request to cancel the subscription.

Step b: Furnish the representative with the details of your subscription account.

Step c: Then, forward the composed email to its official email address to cancel

Step d: Finally ensure to keep the details on confirmation carefully for any sort of further use.

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