Cancel Glassdoor Account:

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Don’t want to continue with a Glassdoor account and looking to cancel a Glassdoor subscription? Here we bring to you the ultimate answer to canceling Glassdoor employer account. Keep reading this page till below.

Glassdoor belongs to an independent review platform for the United States’ past and present employees. It is an excellent resource, especially for job seekers with increased employee evaluations and on new job commencement.

Thus, one may desire for Glassdoor to cancel the account if this is not further needed.

How to cancel a Glassdoor account:

There are two methods that can be wielded by the users to cancel Glassdoor or delete the account:

  • Deleting an account on Glassdoor through an Email.
  • Via the website:

How to cancel Glassdoor job alerts via Email:

The following are points one needs to perform to delete the account:-

  1. First, sign into the Email account, the one used at the time of registering the account on Glassdoor.
  2. Compose a text to the Glassdoor support team by sending an Email to the company’s email address.
  3. State the request to delete the Glassdoor account.
  4. Also, ask them to remove any data available to you and ask for a confirmation email on successful cancellation.

How to perform a Glassdoor cancel subscription via the website:

  1. The initial step is to ‘Sign In’ to the account on Glassdoor through its official website.
  2. Choose on ‘HUMAN’ icon situated at the right upper side of the screen.
  3. It will redirect the user to the ‘Menu list’.
  4. Tap on the ‘Account Settings section.
  5. Now scroll below and hit the ‘Close Account’ tab.
  6. Then, they will ask to enter the password related to Glassdoor to confirm the cancellation request.

Thus, by now Glassdoor will delete the account permanently and the cancellation will be done.

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