How to cancel Linkedin Premium?

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Do you need to cancel your LinkedIn account? Want to learn how to cancel Premium LinkedIn? Read this page as guidance to cancel your LinkedIn learning account.

LinkedIn Premium puts benefits to the account on LinkedIn such as unlimited InMail text with users of LinkedIn who are not in a personal network, getting access to professional development courses online, learning who is accessing the profile, and so on.

At the same time, it’s a bit costly that starts with an amount of $29.99 a month.

If you feel the subscription is not useful anymore and look at canceling LinkedIn Premium then you can go for Linkedin cancel Premium membership and only aspects of the service on LinkedIn which is free will be accessible.

On this article, we will look into the methods on how to cancel Premium on LinkedIn.

Note that, customers are unable to perform LinkedIn Premium cancellation through the mobile application, but in case a subscription was bought through iTunes, then one can cancel a LinkedIn subscription

via the iTunes section through the Settings app on the iPhone.

How To Cancel Premium On Linkedin through various methods

The methods that one may include on how to cancel LinkedIn are as follows.

How to cancel LinkedIn learning through a web browser:

The steps one must follow how to cancel Linkedin Request are:-

  1. First, visit the official website at through the preferred web browsing site.
  2. Tap on the ‘Me’ menu which is at the upper side of the window. Click on the ‘Access My Premium’ tab in the dropdown list.
  3. Now, select ‘Cancel Subscription’ under the section of ‘Manage Premium account’.
  4. Finally, hit the ‘Continue’ button to cancel.

How do I cancel LinkedIn premium on my iPhone:

It is unfortunate that one cannot cancel Premium LinkedIn by employing the mobile application on iPhone or Android device. For this one must use the web browser on a PC or laptop.

But there is an exception if the subscription to LinkedIn Premium

has been bought via iTunes, and LinkedIn Premium cancellation can be done through it.

Here is how to cancel a LinkedIn subscription on an iTunes device:

The procedure on Linkedin cancel has been stated below:-

  • To begin with, first, open the application of Settings.
  • Select the ‘Account Name’ which is at the upper side of the window.
  • In the next step, click on the ‘iTunes & App Store section.
  • Hit the ‘Apple ID’ located on the upper side of the page. Enter the ‘Passcode’ or ‘Touch ID’ if required.
  • Click on the ‘Subscriptions’ section.
  • Select ‘LinkedIn’ tab.
  • Finally, tap the button on ‘Cancel Subscription’ and confirm the cancel Linkedin Premium subscription.
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