How To Cancel Malwarebytes Subscription

How To Cancel Malwarebytes Subscription

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Do you want the solution on Malwarebytes to cancel your subscription? Various users face confusion and look for ways to cancel Malwarebytes from page to page. This page mainly aims to answer and clear all the doubts related to your queries. So keep reading till the end of this page.

Malwarebytes is the software that has been designed so as to safeguard computers from any sort of cyber attacks, ransomware, malware, etc.

If you got the Malwarebytes subscription but now feel unwanted then simply proceed to cancel the subscription as it proposes several choices for its members when it comes to cancellation.

How To Cancel Malwarebytes On your Own

Below are the various methods discussed in detail for the members to follow it easily.

  • Over Phone
  • Through an Email
  • Via Support Ticket
  • Through its website

How to cancel a Malwarebytes subscription over the Phone

Following are the steps to cancel Malwarebytes subscription on the Phone:

  1. Step1:

    Firstly, dial the Malwarebytes phone number at 408-852-4336

  2. Step2:

    Make a request to the agent to cancel the subscription.

  3. Step3:

    Provide the relevant details related to the subscription account.

  4. Step4:

    Ask for confirmation mail to the rep.

Note: The customer support is accessible on weekdays Monday-Friday from 9a.m-5p.m EST.

How to cancel Malwarebytes subscription via Email

The steps to cancel the Malwarebytes trial or subscription are:

  • Compose an Email making a request to cancel the Malwarebytes subscription.
  • Next, send the email to
  • Furnish the essential information.
  • Lastly, ensure to ask about the confirmation email on cancellation.

How to cancel Malwarebytes subscription by Support Ticket

Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Launch the website on Malwarebytes.
  2. On the next page, open the new ticket on the Support Page of Malwarebytes.
  3. Then, request the team to cancel the subscription.
  4. Finally, hold for a while as a confirmation email on cancellation for future reference.

How do I cancel my Malwarebytes subscription via Website

Users can use the account on Malwarebytes for the cancellation of the subscription. The points on Malwarebytes cancel subscription via the website are as follows:

  • At first, move to the section on ‘Payments’ under the Malwarebytes Account.
  • In the next step, tap on the ‘Pencil’ symbol which is under the ‘Active Subscription’ tab.
  • Next, tap on the ‘Turn Off’ option, when the option appears on whether to cancel the subscription and on auto-renewal.
  • Now, you may need to state the reason for canceling the subscription.

Once the process gets completed, an email will be sent to you from Malwarebytes notifying the cancellation of the subscription.

Bottom lines:

That’s all on Malwarebytes cancel methods.

Sometimes, members may face issues such as the feature on auto-renewal may doesn’t turn off, in this case, one must reach out to the Customer Service team.

Subscription attained through third parties may make cancellation a bit tricky.

If no other option works, you can even employ PayPal to eliminate the agreement on billing.

Hope it is profitable for you.

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