Cancel Rhapsody Subscription

Cancel Rhapsody Subscription

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Rhapsody is a form of music streaming and online music outlet that enables the members to access a substantial music library by simply paying the monthly fee. As of upcoming newly viable music streaming options, its popularity seems to be reducing.

So if you are one of the Rhapsody users who wish to cancel Rhapsody, then you have just arrived on the right page.

How to cancel Rhapsody subscription Manually

Members can quickly go for Rhapsody cancel membership by employing quite different methods, depending on the mode on how you have initially signed at the time of achieving the subscription.

How do I cancel my Rhapsody subscription via the website?

There is an option for canceling the subscription from the account settings. So the steps to follow are:

  1. Step1:

    To start with, first, visit the website of Rhapsody (Napster) through the preferred web browsing site.

  2. Step2:

    Next, log in to the Napster account.

  3. Step3:

    Now, click on the ‘My Account section.

  4. Step4:

    Then, select the link indicating ‘Cancel Subscription. By going through these processes one can easily achieve the cancellation of the subscription.

How to cancel my Rhapsody subscription through iTunes

If the subscription was done by signing Rhapsody from an iOS device, then the steps to follow are:

  • Open the Settings app on the device.
  • Click on the ‘Account Name’ icon.
  • Select on the ‘Subscriptions’ section or click on the ‘iTunes & App Store’ tab if the  Subscriptions tab is not visible.
  • In the next step, choose ‘Rhapsody’, the one you desire to cancel.
  • Finally, hit on the ‘Cancel Subscription’ button and it will be done.

How to cancel Rhapsody membership on Google Play Store

In order to cancel my Rhapsody subscription via Google Play Store, the steps one must follow are:

  1. Go to ‘Google Play Store
  2. Navigate to the ‘Account’ tab.
  3. Hit on the ‘Subscriptions’ section and locate the ‘Rhapsody (Napster)’ subscription to review.
  4. Finally, tap on the ‘Cancel’ option.

How do I cancel Rhapsody membership through Phone Carrier

If signed up for the subscription over the phone, then one must reach out to the carrier to cancel the subscription.

The steps are:

Step A: Dial the Rhapsody Carrier phone number.

Step B: Talk to them requesting to cancel the subscription.

Step C: Deliver the basic information of your account (if required).

Step D: Ensure to ask for a confirmation email on cancellation as a future record.

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