How to cancel Elephant Insurance

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If you want to cancel the car insurance this might prove to be a complicated one. But you can opt out of the insurance through Elephant Insurance.

On this page, we will include topics – cancel car insurance elephant, cancel elephant auto insurance, drunk elephant canceled, elephant cancellation fee, elephant insurance cancellation number, etc.

What is Elephant Insurance Cancel Policy:

The Elephant is the trading company under EUI Limited that ensures and offers numerous modes of insurance and coverage to customers. The common products are insurance for homeowners, life, and car.

If you make up your mind to cancel the service you directly contact the company. Canceling the policy in 14 days from the purchase date, charges need to be paid to complete the procedure. You can also cancel after 14 days i.e. after the deadline is surpassed, pay the fee that will be charged for cancellation. The insurer also makes the charge on the cover. In case you made the claim then a year’s premium will be due. If the policy includes one or two items, then the highest cancellation charges will be applied to your cancellation fee.

How do I cancel Elephant Car Insurance:

In order to cancel the insurance the company offers two options so that customers can remove the insurance when they no longer wish to keep the subscription.

i) Cancel Car Insurance Elephant on the Phone:

The company allows customers to cancel the insurance or make any changes to the account on the phone.

Call 877-321-2095 and request to eliminate the policy. You need to ask for the confirmation email on submitting the cancellation request.

ii) Can I Cancel My Elephant Learning by delivering an Email:

Yes, customers can send an email requesting insurance cancellation.

  1. Write an email where you need to state the reason for composing the message.
  2. Request for Insurance Cancelling.
  3. Mention the type of insurance that you no longer want.
  4. State the reason in adequate words so that the other persons can decode the issue and come to your resolution.
  5. Also, mention the date and the charges included.
  6. Ask for the confirmation email.
  7. Now, you can deliver the writings to 

There is no such option to cancel Elephant Insurance Online. The company does not offer a free trial on signing up for Elephant Insurance.


Why is Drunk Elephant canceled?

Individuals on Reddit have submitted reports about the controversy that brands came stating beauty brands were not their cup of tea. The behavior of the company staff was not good, leaving a bad review for the company.

Cancel Elephant Auto Insurance

If the insurance is on auto renewal then cancellation of the insurance can be done by writing an email or talking to customer service on the phone at -1-877-321-2095.

Elephant Cancellation Fee

The charges will depend on the insurance type that you purchased. The period to cancel the insurance is in 14 days.

Elephant Insurance Cancellation Number

Reach out to customer support at the number 877-321-2095 to make a cancellation request.

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